May I share a dream I had in Montana?


I was sitting with my family at a General conference session

(in my dream).

There was a beautiful man up front talking.

His voice was melodious.

He had on a white robe.

Everyone in the audience was saying, "Christ has come."

He looked like Christ.


I was captivated by this man.

People were cheering and clapping.

(Now I had never heard clapping before at a GC).

I turned to my brother and said "I don't think clapping is right."

But this man is so beautiful.

Suddenly without warning he turned for a moment away from us

and when he turned around again he had the face of Satan.

His whole visage changed.

On reflection of that dream which I had in 1989

When the angel of light turned demon like

he just didn't point at me he waved his devil knobby finger

first at one side of the GC auditorium and spanned it across.

When he came to me our eyes locked and I felt an evil sense come over me.

I was amazed people were still calling him "Christ has come."

even when he looked that way.

He put out his hand toward me and his bony finger pointed at

me and he said, "Got you."


I quickly got up and fled.

I was horrified that one so handsome could turn so ugly instantly.

While I left, the people were still cheering him like he was a god.

I woke up.


That was the first time I began to think that there was deception within the church.

The next Sabbath I went to a small group meeting in N. Montana.

Independent group.  The fellowship was so sweet.


Now years later I can see this happening right now more then ever!

People are heralding 'Christ' in form of wrong doctrines.

And they will welcome Satan and not even recognize the change is demonic.

It is all a façade to trap them!